THE Structure
The manuscript should be
organized in the following order: Title of the paper,
Authors’ names and affiliation, Abstract, Key Words,
Introduction, Body of the paper (in sequential
headings), Conclusion, Acknowledgements (where
applicable), References, and Appendices (where
The Title
The title is centered on
size 14 pt). It should adequately describe the content
of the paper. An abbreviated title of less than 60
characters (including spaces) should also be suggested.
Maximum length of title: 20 words.
THE Author’s Name &
The author’s name(s)
follows the title and is also centered on the page (font
size 11 pt). A blank line is required between the title
and the author’s name(s). Last names should be spelled
out in full and succeeded by author’s initials. The
author’s affiliation (in font size 11 pt) is provided
below. Phone and fax numbers do not appear.
State the paper’s
purpose, methods or procedures presentation, new
results, and conclusions are presented. A
nonmathematical abstract, not exceeding 200 words, is
required for all papers. It should be an abbreviated,
accurate presentation of the contents of the paper. It
should contain sufficient information to enable readers
to decide whether they should obtain and read the entire
paper. Do not cite references in the abstract.
Key Words
The author should provide
a list of three to five key words that clearly describe
the subject matter of the paper.
Text Layout
The manuscript must be typed single
spacing. Use extra line spacing between equations,
illustrations, figures and tables. The body of the text
should be prepared using Georgia or Times New Roman. The
font size used for preparation of the manuscript must be
11 or 12 points. The first paragraph following a heading
should not be indented. The following paragraphs must be
indented 10 mm. Note that there is no line spacing
between paragraphs unless a subheading is used. Symbols
for physical quantities in the text should be written in
the text with a summary or conclusion section. Spell out
all initials, acronyms, or abbreviations (not units of
measure) at first use. Put the initials or abbreviation
in parentheses after the spelled-out version. The
manuscript must be writing in the third person (“the
author concludes...”).
THE Figures & Tables
Figures (diagrams and
photographs) should be numbered consecutively using
Arabic numbers. They should be placed in the text soon
after the point where they are referenced. Figures
should be centered in a column and should have a figure
caption placed underneath. Captions should be centered
in the column, in the format “Figure 1” and are in upper
and lower case letters. When referring to a figure in
the body of the text, the abbreviation “Figure” is used
Illustrations must be submitted in digital format, with
a good resolution. Table captions appear centered above
the table in upper and lower case letters. When
referring to a table in the text, “Table” with the
proper number is used. Captions should be centered in
the column, in the format “Table 1” and are in upper and
lower case letters. Tables are numbered consecutively
and independently of any figures. All figures and tables
must be incorporated into the text.
All illustrations,
whether diagrams or photographs, are referred to as
Figures. If any figures appear in color, please note
that they will only appear in color in the online
version; in the printed version they will be in black
and white. If the quality of the color figure supplied
is not suitable to be produced in color, it will also be
shown in black and white in the online version.
THE Equations &
Mathematical Expressions
Place equations on
separate lines, centered, and numbered in parentheses at
the right margin. Equation numbers should appear in
parentheses and be numbered consecutively. All equation
numbers must appear on the right-hand side of the
equation and should be referred to within the text.
A conclusion section must
be included and should indicate clearly the advantages,
limitations and possible applications of the paper.
Discuss about future work.
An acknowledgement
section may be presented after the conclusion, if
desired. Individuals or units other than authors who
were of direct help in the work could be acknowledged by
a brief statement following the text. The acknowledgment
should give essential credits, but its length should be
kept to a minimum; word count should be <100 words.
References should be
listed together at the end of the paper in alphabetical
order by author’s surname. List of references indent 10
mm from the second line of each references. Personal
communications and unpublished data are not acceptable
Journal Papers:
Surname 1, Initials; Surname 2, Initials
and Surname3, Initials: Title, Journal Name, volume
(number), pages, year.
Surname 1, Initials and Surname 2, Initials: Title,
Edition (if existent), Place of publication, Publisher,
Proceedings Papers:
Surname 1, Initials; Surname 2, Initials and Surname 3,
Initials: Paper title, Proceedings title, pages, year.
general instructions for preparing the
manuscripts submitted to
ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara –
International Journal of Engineering
are available here (in .pdf format):

Guide for Authors